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Coral Reefs are Dying, Set Free at Sea would like to change that..

Coral reefs are extremely important to Set free at sea for many reasons. They provide protection for coastal areas not to be hit too hard by incoming waves and they play a very important role when sea levels rise. There are also many important drugs that use certain sea sponges found in coral reefs. Many of them are used to treat very serious illnesses like Cancer and HIV. Set Free at Sea recognizes this as an issue. instead of using ashes scattering into the ocean, we create enviroments and save many species by giving back to the Earth from whence we came.

How can Set free at Sea save our reefs?

The best way to contribute to saving our reefs is to preserve marine life as intact as possible. The population of fish in a certain coastal area is going to be extremely important in order for the coral reefs to be in their best shape.

The climate changes caused by pollution are also having very serious negative effects on the reefs, which is the main concern due to the serious heat issues that are being reported in the last few years. Funuerals and caskets place so much unatural products into the eart. Set free at sea uses all natural materials, and the wreaths lowered with the reefs have no wires or artifical materials.

The most important thing to keep in mind is that everything Set Free at Sea does in creating a legacy for your loved one (or yourself, see pre-planning), is also done in order to restore and protect our environment. Set free at Sea, with your help, has a very direct impact on the preservation of our reefs. '

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